Category: Hen Well-Being

Great Eggs Start with Well-Fed Hens

August 26, 2021

Did you know a hen’s diet can impact the quality and nutritional value of the eggs she lays? Egg farmers rely on nutritionists and feed experts to ensure hens receive perfectly balanced diets each day ...

UEP Certified third party audits verify program compliance

July 23, 2021

UEP Certified egg producers are committed to providing excellent care for their hens at all times, in all types of housing. The UEP Certified Program is administered by Dr. Larry Sadler, UEP’s VP of Animal ...

Employee training vital to hen care

July 23, 2021

Employee training is a key component of the UEP Certified Program. Poultry caretakers must sign of code of conduct outlining care expectations and requiring a supervisor be contacted if the UEP standards are not being ...

Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare

July 23, 2021

The UEP Certified Program addresses the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare, ensuring excellent care and quality of life for hens. Freedom from Hunger and ThirstFreedom from Discomfort Due to the EnvironmentFreedom from Pain, Injury or ...

Employee care and a safe environment are top priorities on egg farms

May 25, 2020

Egg farmers are vigilant in creating and maintaining a safe environment in all areas of the farm. UEP’s farmer-members collaborate with the USDA, state agencies, veterinarians and public health officials to responsibly address the needs ...

Hen Housing - the choice is yours

May 20, 2020

Like humans, hens need quality housing. Farmers must balance and weigh the tradeoffs between different styles of housing. Farmers consider several factors including hen health and well-being, weather protection, disease control, predator protection, economic feasibility ...

Why are hens housed indoors?

April 13, 2020

A hundred years ago, eggs were produced in small flocks in farmyards. Hens were often harmed by predators or diseases and mortality was extremely high. Today many hens are housed inside barns to keep them ...