we’re here to unscramble the egg
Get the cage-free facts straight.
Separating facts from opinions can be tricky when it comes to cage-free eggs. Misconceptions and misleading claims create cracks in understanding, leaving retailers and consumers in the dark. We’re shedding light on the cracks by fact-checking common opinions to help you make more informed decisions.
The cage-free egg demand in grocery retail is a trend.
While there will always be options in the egg case, cage-free is here to stay. And so are we.
All cage-free certifications are the same.
They are not. Each certification is unique in some ways. For example, UEP Certified Cage-Free is the only one focused solely on egg production and hen welfare. It’s also backed by over 50 years of hands-on producer experience and guidelines maintained by an independent Scientific Advisory Committee comprised of leading experts in hen welfare and behavior.
No matter which one you pick, the process of verifying and auditing suppliers’ certifications is the same.
Sadly, this is untrue. When picking a program, inquire about third-party audits to guarantee certification is based on regular and independent inspections. UEP Certified includes annual third-party audits and a zero-tolerance policy for willful abuse is strictly enforced.
There’s no consistency in hen welfare standards.
Participating farmers are required to use UEP Certified guidelines across all flocks, which makes our program more consistent, cost-effective and efficient. This helps minimize welfare costs while maximizing coverage. We’re not a marketing machine. We’re just focused on raising the standards for science-backed hen welfare and responsible egg production.